and construction begins ...
Today we have with the construction of the first wall of the guesthouse begun. Unfortunately the camera battery was flat, so photos will follow tomorrow. Babalwa has done the work of five men, as long as we have Babalwa we do not need any other help! She aufgeharkt the ground and broken into small pieces, and Aidan has the Erhaufen then mixed with cement, about 10% cement. This is the mix of gossip occurs between the bricks. (The bricks were made with earth and grass, see previous blog entry). Yes and we have built a wall, voila. Ok ok only three bricks high (we are talking about GIANTS TILES) but hey, at least. Last week we pepped the fence around the whole area of the guesthouse and a little goat, made sure the weekend and we have fixed the Land Rover - now have we at least back wheels under the butt!
blog entries now follow a bit sparse as the charger from my laptop had a short circuit and I need to get a new charger. It sounds so simple ... But out here is all terribly complicated and lengthy. With a slow internet connection and no credit on the mobile phone and not a shop where you can buy credit (because cars broke away and the nearest grocery store 1h walk) is all a bit difficult. At the moment I write on Aidan's laptop, but runs only when it is plugged in, which means we have to constantly run the generator as long as the laptop is turned on. Thus, I spend at the moment very little time on the computer or the Internet, while I would have so much computer work to do this month. Yes Henu - take in the Transkei need to be everything just as it comes.
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