reboot? Things are moving ... Hello to all blog readers, ui, that was a long break to write! 'Excuse. It's like that, since the end of the World Cup, we were hardly in the village. FACT: Since July, the new Coast 2 Coast, the backpacker travel guide for South Africa, on the market - and wild Lubanzi, our Backpackers has a full page advertisement. And so flows since July always people to us, one here, one there, and we are here because we nailed look after guests have.
Meanwhile, as the head Manzamnyama everything: the Committees (village council, committee, or as they say on the German?) Was for project us so long on the laces. Of the ten members were usually only half present at the meetings, and it was always only a lot of chatter, which was followed by no action. Now that we have the house in Lubanzi or greater than 100% in Manzamnyama are it would be the more important that someone finally takes over from the village a bit of responsibility for the project to push forward with things. The idea was from the beginning that the project is part of the village population and is operated by the local people - but seemed a utopian desire to be, because the villagers prefer to just sit back and say, no, YOU have to do that for us. We do not know how, we can not do that. We have no money. We know nothing. This is a very unhealthy attitude, and for two years, Aidan and I out to prepare the ground for more fruitful vegetables. Well, and now seems to be what to do. The headman called a meeting with us to ask about the project, and we told him that everything is very, VERY slow going, because the village population shows little interest, too little helps, too little takes responsability. As a result, the headman has convened a meeting with the Committees and resolved the whole group simply. Sunday and today was held the meeting where they formed the committee, this time only 6 people instead of 10, and from different corners of the village, not just this one area where we are building on. Aidan and I are going Friday in one week for an update to the Headman. Yes and we are curious ... whether the new Committees shows more interest and is actively involved again.
Meanwhile builds Tolikile peacefully on to the first round hut. He was the Chairman of Committees old and I hope he is in the new Committees there - he is one of the only ones to which we can rely on. Well, now we have to buy a load of cement, so Tolikile can finish the walls.
slowly but surely ...
... climb the walls in the air.
(Ps It is again Winter, as you can easily tell by the yellow grass. 2 months pass since no rain ...)