Friday, November 5, 2010

Protein Pokemon Silver

Challenge # 7

Again is the first Friday of the month - unbelievable is not it? Time is running and it's already November! And this time, I may (Nina-Detailverliebt) again the task set for the blog cross Inspirations Challenge. The task can be found HERE on my blog. See

And our plants you can you on our blogs, if you hop over there soon:
Miriam - snapshot
Britta - The joys of life
Nina - Detailverliebt
Toujoursmoi apologizes for this month because their parents are in the U.S. to visit her.

please send me your works directly under until Thursday 25 November. Things you put girls, this is a short month.

We are looking forward like crazy if you let inspire you, and again join in! All entries will be posted on the last Friday in November on my blog and on the Blog & Blog hop .... It pays to have a look what all great was scrapped in the final laps of you!


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