Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cheats Para Chaos Black

roofing and gardening

We were super busy in the last two days that it is worth the same again to upload a few photos ...

Aidan, the roof practically completed, and we started to cover it with straw - unfortunately we have not this time the rain but the wind had thwarted the bill, and by 3 pm we had to cancel the exercise.

Babalwa and two friends help with the roofing

The first straw bundles are tied

Rachel on the roof of stuff on bundles of straw

And this is under the umbrella of ... ;-)

The wind made the work very difficult and all disheveled!

Well if the roof and ceiling is too stupid with the eternal wind, but at least you can still work in the garden. Nathalie also helps with hard working, and today morning the completely weed-overgrown garden back into specie beautiful flower beds ...

Nathalie on weed ...

and so the garden looked at the end of the day!


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