and then came the rain! Hello dear blog readers, please excuse the long silence, we had computer problems at the end here the world ... the charger for the laptop has given up the ghost and get a replacement part is halt so ne thing, if you have no Internet access or a postal address has ... and it took almost a month until the new charger was there and now we finally have a laptop!
has the meantime - just! - From the rainy season, which usually means the end of construction season. But we were busy in the last few weeks and have started to build the first walls of the guest house. For this we first had to buy more tools, cement putty and all that stuff that you just need to build walls. Aidan has powerful then flat out and all alone built the first walls! Currently he is busy with the construction of the roof, the rain always makes us just another spanner in the works ...
Aidan sets the first brick ...
are the first couple of low walls!
the walls for the first room are almost finished
Aidan designed the roof
Here perhaps is a short definition of position and orientation: As the villagers showed little use will , we had to project structures . Change The idea was to build the guest house as 100% of village property, but the good people had simply not yet ready for it and asked us, we are to the guest house for them to build. The new structures thus see from so that the bed is raised as a cooperative, where the villagers simply receives a share. Aidan and I (Rachel) to fly to Europe this month, where we will try to raise more donations to advance the project. If the guest house is built, bringing the local people jobs and income, we can take the actual village projects undertaken. The Headman of Mpame is still full of behind us and says, you take as much time as you need, such Projects take a long time now. Of the authorities we have still a go. And the villagers ... Now, it's the older people, the jackknife, and slowly get used to changes. But we have the backing of a group of young people who live and work in Pretoria but grew up in Manzamnyama. All these young men would like to come back here if there were job opportunities, and support the project.
As for the donations, they are still for the construction of the guest house used, which accounts for the initial period. In July, Mike started to build the nursery, and we have now separated from the bed and handed over completely to the village council. Aidan is now building the guest house, and the village is building the creche. You need to stop their time, but there are many people in the village, which saw the construction of the crib like completed and work for it.
from October to January followed hardly be more project news or blog entries, as Aidan and I are traveling in Europe. Aidan is back in mid-December, just when the tourist season begins, and we had already received requests for accommodation over Christmas and New Year! I myself will be back until mid-January, and then you with photos and stories back to the date to bring. All donations received during these months, the last will of course be nice to stay in the account and in January we can start really!
While we are gone, Babalwa is here to see the right, and her salary is paid of course, continue. It makes good by the way, has visited a few training sessions, and grows more and more into her role. If we train more people like Babalwa, it needs us here no more soon ... her enthusiasm is contagious and her curiosity and willingness to learn refreshing.
And that's with Manzamnyama News ... If you have questions, please leave Comments on the blog, and I'll answer in another blog entry all questions! Until then - see you in Switzerland!
new door to the guest house - now goats in Safety
our mud bricks, smaller and more solid than the usual Erdziegel. We want to produce more of these bricks, which would be better to build your own ...
a role in wire mesh, friend and helper in goat business!