has barely begun and the construction, Mike pushes even a thousand pitfalls. Nothing is easy here in the Transkei! In the first few days, Mike and John have dug the channels for the foundations. On Wednesday, Mike wanted to lay the first foundations, but unfortunately lacked the sand that must be mixed with the cement. And we do not have Land Rover does not always to himself to get sand. And with the donkeys, it is much too slow, and secondly they are much too expensive (for the small pile of sand to bring it by the charge). A friend has offered me in Mpame to help out with his pickup. But since John is down with Aidan to the Garden Route down, leaving only Mike and I have to shovel, and we need at least two strong men, with the tackle, or we are hours of shoveling the sand! Bloss, no one here wants to work for free in the village. For every hand movement, they want to be paid. This afternoon we have another meeting with the village council, and I will tell them again the opinion, and this time will hopefully translate everything what I say! I feel a bit on the laces, that no one voluntarily assists. Mike and I are working so voluntarily ... and Tony, who helps out with the pickup that will do well as a friendly service and FREE. Henu Yes, we'll see what comes out at the meeting.
Meanwhile, Rufus has allowed us to use his sand if we replace it by next Tuesday. That means that Mike can now really set the first foundations - if he finds two strong men to help the cement mixing. Arrrrgh. :-)
Aidan is now on its way to the Garden Route and then to Cape Town, where it can hopefully buy a load of material, if still some donations come together. I did after my last call for donations-mail (last week) found that this is probably a hugely unfavorable is time to beg for money: In the middle of the summer holidays, where it spends all his money during the holidays and it does not want to send to South Africa . Heja, one does what one can.
Next week comes the Imana Wild Race by here, a mountain bike race along the Wild Coast. I wrote the organizers and asked if that is ok, if we establish here a couple of posters (for our project) and drink stalls, and found, yes, it's great! Na wonderful time here are a few good news. I am preparing now the villagers for the big day before, next Thursday, when the bike race right here on our hill is coming over. I will write! I will then upload a report and photos.
Oh and by the way: our project website has a new face! The new website is now online: www.mpame.co.za / German / index.htm
Mike digging foundations
guys bring stones for the foundations
the channel for the foundations
the helpers
measure the dimensions of the hut
Maxwell (older brother of Rufus) plays the construction managers and supervisors
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