Sunday, October 17, 2010

How To Make Dry Oil Body Spray

XC Weiz

With some delay but the report from my last race this season. On 12
September, I attended the XC races in Weiz. The junior riders started simultaneously with the elite. I drove a very fast first lap and was in the top group of elite riders. Then I took out some pace and was of 2 Junior sought. We went together for a while, until I got a road to the rear derailleur, which forced me briefly from the wheel. In addition, the hanger after that was bent. I made a makeshift while driving the circuit again, but then I was already far behind. Slowly began my well, again by the fall in Krumbach-related back pain. I tortured myself to the finish, still got a place and drove a No. 3.

Ride on,

Friday, October 15, 2010

Coversyl Medication And Grapefruit

Challenge # 6: Your submissions

Today is the third Friday in October and that means that we get you the Submissions to us on the 6th Task achieved, may show.
Is not it interesting how different all accessible approach to such challenges? Despite the single task arises always such a wonderful diversity. I think that's wonderful.

The 6th Task, I was allowed to contribute again and I wanted to monochrome layout on "simplicity".
What we have gewerkelt to you could even see already on our blogs:

Miriam - snapshot
Britta - The joys of life
Nina - Detailverliebt
Nina - Toujours Moi

And here now come your submissions. Many many thanks for your have again been through! Furthermore, we were delighted - and of course about the great layouts themselves.


Frank aka frank home:

Miss mushroom intoxication:


On the first Friday in November, there will be the next task. And behind the scenes we are already making us something tasty devise for you.
Have a great Friday!

your Miriam - and Britta and the two Ninas